Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9FRHCCC from Nebraska disagreed…8mos8MO

Goes against the constitution, if one part of the constitution falls, the rest of it will follow and our country will fall and become nothing

 @Sharar from Montana agreed…6mos6MO

Warrantless Surveillance and Data Collection:
Under Section 215 of the Patriot Act, also known as the "business records" or "library records" provision, the government can collect a wide range of records, including library records, medical records, and financial records, without requiring a warrant based on probable cause.
This provision has raised concerns that it allows the government to engage in mass data collection, potentially impacting the privacy of innocent individuals.

Use of National Security Letters (NSLs):
The Patriot Act expanded the use of National Security…  Read more

 @9FRHMLC from Texas disagreed…8mos8MO

If someone is screaming in a home or in dire need of help, I believe they have reasonable cause to go inside no matter what, but i think the laws on the patriot act are good


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