Try the political quiz

167 Replies


In movies where the military is portrayed, how does that influence your feelings about real-life military actions?


It gives a much more intense feeling in the movies. Though I do not know what war is actually like, I feel as if movies depict it as much more deadly. It helps me understand somewhat of what our soldiers are going through in their minds.

 @9J2242SWomen’s Equality from Michigan answered…5mos5MO

It makes me think that the military is the same as in movies and a lot of people suffer, making me sad and wonder why people sacrifice themselves for their country.

 @9HZZKKV from Kansas answered…5mos5MO

Being in the Army, the Marines are often shown in every movie and films, they are portrayed as "the best branch" , I think all branches are important, not just Marines.
In reality, I've met some of the marines, and most of them can be narcissistic ****

 @9J23HM4 from Georgia answered…5mos5MO


What fears, if any, would surface in a world where the concept of a military didn't exist?

 @9HTKMFF from Ohio answered…5mos5MO

I fear that if we were in a world without any country having a military, it would go two ways, the world would turn into utter chaos or the nations would be more peaceful and result to other ways of resolve conflicts like peaceful communication.

 @9HTKL67 from Connecticut answered…5mos5MO


If you had to choose between national defense and international aid, where would you like to see more investment?

 @9HFZQJC from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

International Aid because national defense already has a lot of investment in itself

 @9HFZMYZ from Michigan answered…6mos6MO

I would choose international aid, because our country needs that more than anything else.


How would you personally define 'patriotism' and does a strong military align with your definition?

 @9HGMV7XLibertarian from Washington answered…6mos6MO

I think patriotism is holding a high opinion of one's country, regardless of others political views. I think holding a decent view of the military should be associated with patriotism because the military represents the counties strength.

 @9HGL59B from Washington answered…6mos6MO

 @9HGL4SRRepublican from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO

I think patriotism is important because if I ive in America I am gonna be proud of where I come from and be proud of who protects and fight for our country.


How would you feel if your safety depended solely on diplomacy rather than military strength?


i wouldnt feel safe at all. the military will be able ti do whatever they want with whatever weapons they have and the military is kinda sketchy

 @9HZYWXG from Texas answered…5mos5MO

I would feel a bit better, but would still prefer some military presence due to many world leaders being unable to agree with one another.

 @9HTWRKY from Minnesota commented…5mos5MO

Does Diplomacy help a country or does it Humiliate the country further?



Do you think having family members in the military can change a person's attitudes towards war and peace? How so?

 @9HH9JDB from Washington answered…6mos6MO

I think that family members who have been in the military can change a person's view for both peace and war. While some would advocate for war more often, others would tell their relatives horror stories about what war can do to a person or country and would advocate for peace.

 @9HGGN8XRepublican from Washington answered…6mos6MO

Yes, It is more likely for family members of military to be more open to helping war efforts, and enlisting themselves.

 @9HGG5J4 from Iowa answered…6mos6MO

Yes it would give me hope because my family member is strong but it would be scare because they could die


What emotions do you feel when you see a display of military force or a parade?

 @9H4MW98Independent from Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

I feel a sense of a pride sorta, but ultimately nothing. I don't feel a certain way about the military, but knowing that well trained and equipped people are the ones protecting me, not to mention one of the best militairy's in the world is protecting me is good to know

 @9H3JNYR from Nebraska answered…7mos7MO

disgust and irritation. showing off your big scary guns is unnecessary. if someone fights you, fight back, but don't go out threatening everyone with bombs.

 @9H3JBY5 from Texas answered…7mos7MO

I feel like the government has too much military and they give the police too much power and unnecessary weapons. (reference the BLM protests with tear gas and guns)


How would you articulate the cost of militarism on a society’s culture and values?

 @9HZZZB9 from Georgia answered…5mos5MO

A country should foster the ability and desire to defend itself and it's cultural values within it's borders. Projecting that set of values outward to other nations just creates resentment and conflict. A degree of militarism can be good for a nation to have a disciplined culture.


at this point in our society i dont think we care about our military opposed to how we care about or cops because we see them every day



What's the first emotion that hits you when you hear about military interventions in distant conflicts?

 @9HZWQH4 from Illinois answered…5mos5MO

 @9HZWHBY from Virginia answered…5mos5MO

We (the USA) should mind our own business. And go back to a cash and carry policy.


Have you ever been faced with a situation where you had to show discipline similar to that of military training, and how did you handle it?

 @9HHTTBW from Idaho answered…6mos6MO

 @9HG7LH9 from North Carolina answered…6mos6MO


Why do you think some people are drawn to join the military, and what factors would influence your own decision?


people wo want to not be in debt with student loans go into the military to not go into debt or just because people want to serve their country. i would never go into the military


Do you believe military service should be a civic duty, or should it remain voluntary?

 @9H85Z8RPeace and Freedomanswered…6mos6MO

I think it should remain voluntary because we still have a strong and full military through just volunteers so why change it?

 @9H85RNT from Oregon answered…6mos6MO


What is the most compelling argument, in your opinion, for a nation to either expand or reduce their military capability?

 @9HZYT5Q from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Based on the attacks they are receiving or a threat that is being built


Imagine if technology made traditional militaries obsolete; what new security concerns would you foresee arising?

 @9HTWGMS from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

a race to see who can reach the higher milestone, and its almost like weve already had one of these back from 1945-1991


How do you feel about the idea that a strong military leads to peace through deterrence?