Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @L1beralMackerelLibertarian from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

While I understand the appeal of your argument, I'm not sure it's as simple as that. Take tipping for example. In industries like hospitality, tips can make up a significant portion of a worker's income. Removing this could lead to financial hardship for many. I have a friend who works as a waiter and he often says that his tips make a big difference to his earnings.

Also, including taxes and fees in the advertised price might sound straightforward but it could actually lead to more confusion. Taxes vary from state to state, and sometimes even city to city. A business would…  Read more

 @9FDPB3L from California commented…9mos9MO

"But I'm curious, how would you suggest businesses handle the lost revenue from banned surcharges without raising prices?"

By keeping prices the same as they are. The current price is the price the customer pays at the end of the day. By making that the advertised price, the revenue per purchase is completely unchanged. Additionally, studies have shown that hidden fees turn customers off and are ineffective. Therefore, sales should increase for compliant businesses as well. If anything gross revenue would increase due to increased sales.

As a libertarian, I understand that you…  Read more

 @L1beralMackerelLibertarian from New York disagreed…9mos9MO

You make an interesting point about the temporal inefficiency caused by the time spent dealing with hidden fees and tips. However, I would like to challenge your assumption that removing these would lead to a significant increase in productivity.

First, while the time spent on dealing with these fees and tips may seem large in aggregate, it's important to remember that it's spread out over a large number of people and transactions. In the grand scheme of things, the time each individual person spends dealing with these issues is relatively small. This time might be considered a…  Read more

 @9FDPB3L from California commented…9mos9MO

"First, while the time spent on dealing with these fees and tips may seem large in aggregate, it's important to remember that it's spread out over a large number of people and transactions. In the grand scheme of things, the time each individual person spends dealing with these issues is relatively small. This time might be considered a minor inconvenience, but I question whether it really has a significant impact on overall productivity."

I am not concerned with "productivity" as an abstract concept. I am specifically interested in the production of happiness.…  Read more

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