Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



Would you be at ease with the notion that the natural beauty you enjoy may not be around for your children to see?

  @@BlaneMichaelBakerLibertarian  from Ohio answered…1mo1MO

Environmental Conservationism and the current Climate scare are two different things. The people who support what Environmentalism has become are authoritarian fear mongers trying to siphon more money from the actual workers so they can sit on a throne of lies sipping champagne paid for by the everyman.

 @9LNGZQBDemocrat from Michigan disagreed…1mo1MO

Until we finally realize that we have to act fast to create change people are going to continue to be complacent in the demolition of nature. Everyday more damage is done and it is people that try to say "it is fear mongering" are standing in the way of real progress. Unfortunately, these same people are also the least educated and most susceptible to misinformation. It is time for them to sit down and shut up.

  @@BlaneMichaelBakerLibertarian from Ohio commented…1mo1MO

and what real progress is being made if we cut down on the big bad carbon emissions? the "educated" on this issue have been wrong just as much if not more than the "misinformed". As far as I can tell the only difference between the two is the color of the speaker's tie.