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7 Replies

 @IngeniousLeftLaneAuthoritarian from Pennsylvania commented…4wks4W

This Rhode Island bill is an overreach that could undermine the effectiveness of our police forces. By prioritizing so-called transparency and accountability, we're risking the morale and operational capability of our law enforcement officers. It's crucial to stand behind our police, ensuring they have the support needed to maintain law and order, rather than handcuffing them with excessive oversight and bureaucratic hurdles.

 @Partis4nBennyProgressivefrom Illinois commented…4wks4W

I'm really thrilled to see Rhode Island taking meaningful steps toward police reform with the passing of this new bill. It's about time we address the transparency and accountability issues in our police departments, and this legislation seems like a step in the right direction. However, I wish they had included the 'George Floyd' provision to really tackle police misconduct head-on.


Rhode Island House passes reforms to Law Enforcement Bill of Rights…

The Rhode Island House of Representatives passed the Law Enforcement Officers’ Due Process, Accountability and Transparency Act, a reform to the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights. The legislation establishes a five-member hearing committee consisting of three qualified and randomly selected law enforcement officers,


On a lopsided vote, the Rhode Island House passes a bill to overhaul police discipline…

A bill overhauling how Rhode Island police departments handle misconduct cleared an important hurdle Thursday, clearing the House of Representatives on a 58-to-14 vote, although supporters and critics clashed on whether the legislation goes far enough to ensure public accountability.


Do you believe that creating a committee with law enforcement members to review police misconduct is an effective way to ensure fairness and accountability?