Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @KindLeftistLibertarian from Nevada commented…4wks4W

Honestly, the amount of money being poured into Maryland's primary races is a stark reminder of how out of hand our political spending has become. It's crucial we shift focus back to individual liberties and fiscal responsibility, rather than who can outspend whom in these elections.

 @AnnoyedSwiftProgressivefrom Ohio commented…4wks4W

Maryland's primary is crucial for progressives to ensure we nominate candidates who truly represent our values and can tackle issues like healthcare, economic inequality, and climate change effectively.


2024 Presidential Primary Delegate Tracker

Americans are heading to primary polls and caucuses to support the presidential candidate they want to ... at the Republican National Convention and Democratic National Convention this summer.


Considering the diversity and political activity in Maryland's 3rd Congressional District, how important do you think representation is in politics?


If you could vote, what qualities would you prioritize in a candidate to address issues like crime and economic growth, especially in a high-stakes election like Baltimore's mayoral race?

 @9MD8MD4 from Wisconsin commented…4wks4W

The qualities of a mayor should be a willingness to serve the people by providing them the security of opportunity of business to provide jobs and safety by ensuring that the law enforcement agencies will legally protect them from violence from within and without while allowing the people to maintain their 2nd Amendment rights.


How might the outcome of Maryland's primary elections impact your future, even if you don't live there?


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